Jantar Mantar Nearest Metro Station

Jantar Mantar Nearest Metro Station

The nearest metro station to Jantar Mantar is Janpath Metro Station at a distance of 400 Mtr. by walk. Other than this, two alternatives to the Jantar Mantar Nearest Metro Station are Patel Chowk Metro Station at a distance of 550 Mtr. and Barakhamba Metro Station at a distance of 1 km.

Note that Jantar Mantar is an astronomical telescope that was used in the past for the study of natural phenomena. To explore this place, visit in daylight between 9 am to 6 pm. If you are new here and looking for the best route to reach Jantar Mantar, use the Metro. More details are explained further on this page.

Nearest Metro Station to Jantar Mantar Overview

Among the three closest metro stations to Jantar Mantar, the Janpath Metro Station is the closest at a distance of 400 m by walk. Those who wish to take an auto or cab may have to cover about 800 m. For detailed information refer to the below table.

Metro Station Name

Janpath Metro Station


400.0 m


Violet Line







Bus Service


Contact No


Distance Between Nearest Metro Station to Jantar Mantar

From each nearest metro station to Jantar Mantar the distance is different as mentioned in the below table:

Metro Station Name


Janpath Metro Station

400 m (by walk) and upto 800 m by auto or cab.

Patel Chowk Metro Station

550 Mtr. (by walk) and 2.1 km by auto or cab.

Barakhamba Metro Station

1 km (by walk) and about 1.5 km by auto or cab.

Since routes to Jantar Mantar by walk and vehicle are different from its nearest metro station, the distance mentioned above may differ. Please, use Google Maps for accurate navigation or distance.

How to Reach Jantar Mantar by Metro

The Jantar Mantar is one of the popular tourist attractions for foreign tourists in Delhi and one of the most visited places too. 

In order to help you reach Jantar Mantar using Delhi Metro, theunsure team has described all the possible ways through which you can reach Jantar Mantar from your nearest metro station.

Janpath Metro Station to Jantar Mantar

Jantar Mantar to Janpath Metro

Once you reach the Janpath Metro Station reaching the Jantar Mantar becomes easy because the distance between those locations is only 800 m if you are using any four or three-wheeler vehicles. However, within 10-12 minutes you can easily reach the Jantar Mantar by walk.

Rajiv Chowk Metro Station to Jantar Mantar Distance

Rajiv Chowk Metro Station to Jantar Mantar

From Rajiv Chowk, you have two options either take a cab or an auto because the distance is within 1.5 Km. however, to enjoy the metro journey you can take advantage of Delhi Metro as it will only cost you Rupees 10 and stations 4.

Rajiv Chowk to Janpath Metro Fair

Since Rajiv Chowk is on the Yellow Line, you have to interchange at the Central Secretariat. While interchanging the metro, take the Violet line metro going towards Kashmere Gate from Platform number 4 and then aboard the metro at Janpath Metro Station and take a walk to cover about 400 m to reach the Jantar Mantar.

Rajiv Chowk to Janpath Metro Route

Patel Chowk Metro Station to Jantar Mantar

Patel Chowk Metro to Jantar Mantar

From Patel Chowk Metro Station to Jantar Mantar is 550 m away and can be easily covered by walking for under 8-9 minutes. Those who choose the metro facility rather than auto or cab will have to spend 8 minutes to cross 3 stations for Rupees 10 to reach the nearest metro station to Jantar Mantar which is Janpath.

Patel Chowk to Janpath Metro Fare

Below is a step-by-step metro route to follow to reach the Jantar Mantar from Patel Chowk Metro Station.

Patel Chowk to Janpath metro route

New Delhi to Jantar Mantar Metro Route

New Delhi metro to Jantar Mantar

To reach Jantar Mantar from the New Delhi Railway station or metro station take the yellow line metro going towards Millennium City Centre Gurugram. Once you take the metro either exit from Patel Chowk or Rajiv Chowk Metro station. From both of these places, you can take a walk for 9-12 minutes to reach the Jantar Mantar or can take an auto or cab.

Also, as we have mentioned, Janpath is the nearest metro station to Jantar Mantar, Delhi but isn’t ideal for you if you don’t want to interchange the metro and spend some of your time on it. However, you can follow the below-given metro route if you are ready to spend your time for interchange.

NDLS To Janpath Metro Route for Jantar Mantar

Metro Route:

  1. Take a yellow line metro going towards Millenium City Centre.
  2. After crossing two stations – Rajiv Chowk and Patel Chowk, exit from the yellow line metro at ‘Central Secretariat’ and move towards the Violet line. This interchange may take up to 5 minutes.
  3. Now, reach the Violet Line metro platform number 4 and aboard to the metro going towards Kashmere Gate. The next station to the Central Secretariat is Janpath metro station, exit from the station and walk for 5-6 minutes or take an auto to reach the Janpath.

About Jantar Mantar, New Delhi

The Jantar Mantar located in New Delhi is an Observatory – a tool to study stars, planets, weather, etc. Jantar Mantar has 13 architectural astronomy instruments built by Maharaja Jai Singh II of Jaipur. Visitors can enjoy the fascinating world of astronomy through educational tours at Jantar Mantar.

Contact Details


J6G8+RMC, Connaught Place, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, Delhi 110001

Nearest Metro Station

Janpath Metro Station


All Days (Sunday-Monday)


Sunrise to Sunset (9 am to 6 pm)

Entry Fee

Rs.25 (Indians), Rs.300


Jantar Mantar Location on Delhi Map
Source: Wikipedia

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Violet Line metro goes to Jantar Mantar nearest metro station. However, all the metro lines available in Delhi are interconnected so you don’t need to worry if you live nearby to another metro line than Violet.

The Janpath Metro Station is the nearest metro station to Jantar Mantar at a walking distance of 400 m.

Yes, you can book an auto or cab from the Janpath Metro Station to Jantar Mantar, however, the walking distance isn’t much; it is 400 m away.

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