Nearest Metro Station to Airia Mall Gurgaon

Nearest Metro Station to Airia Mall Gurgaon

Nearest Metro Station to Airia Mall Gurgaon

The closest metro station to Airia Mall Gurgaon is Huda City Centre Metro station. In order to reach the Airia Mall from the metro station one can have various transportation options such as Auto, Cab or E-rickshaw. Note that the last metro from Huda City Centre runs at 11 PM.

Airia Mall Gurgaon Nearest Metro Station Line

Airia Mall Gurgaon Nearest Metro Station is on Yellow Line. There are 37 metro stations on Yellow Line which covers 48.8 km of distance between Huda City Centre Metro Station which is the nearest metro station to Airia Mall Gurgaon and Samaypur Badli.

Metro Station Name


Huda City Centre Metro Station

Yellow Line

Distance From Huda City Centre Metro Station to Airia Mall Gurgaon

Distance From Huda City Centre Metro Station to Airia Mall Gurgaon is 11 Km (approx). From outside of the metro station, you can take an auto or cab to reach the Mall. It may take upto 15-20 minutes to reach there. In order to give a better idea of the distance between Huda city Centre Metro station to Airia Mall below, we have given a route map (Screenshot).

Nearest Metro station to Airia Mall
(Source: Google Maps)

Nearest Metro Station to Airia Mall: Huda City Centre Metro Station Details

The Huda City Centre Metro Station has a total of 2 platforms and 3 gates. The station layout is elevated meaning, it’s not an underground metro station. ATM’s and Parking facilities are available at Huda City Centre Metro Station.

Metro Station Name

Huda City Centre

Opened On

21 June 2010


11 KM


Yellow Line



Station Layout

Elevated Station





Contact No




How to Reach Airia Mall by Metro?

In order to reach Airia Mall by metro you will have to take the Yellow Line metro which is going towards Huda City Centre. Once you reach the Huda City Centre Metro Station exit from gate number 2 and take an auto or cab. The Huda City Centre Metro Station is the nearest metro station to Airia Mall Gurgaon, but you will have to take an auto or cab because the distance between metro station and Mall is 11 Km.

Huda City Centre Metro Timings

Below-given table contains timing of Huda City Centre Metro Station.

First Metro

05:30 AM

Last Metro

11:00 PM

Frequently Asked Questions

Huda City Centre Metro Station is the nearest metro station to Airia Mall Gurgaon.

Yes, you can take an auto or cab outside the Huda City Centre Metro Station to reach Airia Mall gurgaon. 

The distance between Huda City Centre Metro Station to Airia Mall Gurgaon is 11 KM.


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