Red Fort Nearest Metro Station

Red Fort nearest metro station

Nearest Metro Station to Red Fort

Your search for Red Fort nearest metro station ends here as our team has found out all the details about the metro station by which you can reach the Red Fort. The Nearest Metro Station to Red Fort is Lal Quila metro station which is located on the Violet Line of Delhi Metro. The Violet Line Metro runs between Raja Nahar Singh to Kashmere Gate.

Red Fort Nearest Metro Station

Metro Station Name






Contact No

Lal Quila Metro Station

260 Meters

Violet Line





Jama Masjid Metro Station

1 Km

Violet Line





Chandni Chowk Metro Station

1.4 km

Yellow Line





How To Reach Lal Qila By Metro

Lal Qila also known as Red Fort can be reached by using the Violet Line Metro. Note that the nearest metro station to Red fort is Lal Quila metro station and the distance between the metro station to Red Fort is about 260 meters. Those who want to reach Lal Quila using the metro do not need to take a cab or auto from the metro station.

From the metro station, one has to walk for just about 4 to 5 minutes to reach the Delhi Red Fort.

Metro Timings From Lal Qila

Here’s the details of Metro Timings From Lal Qila which you can use to understand how early you can leave your place to Red Fort. Go through the below-given table to understand them.

First Metro From Lal Qila

05:51 AM

Last Metro From Lal Qila

11:49 PM

First Metro From Jama Masjid

05:49 AM

Last Metro From Jama Masjid

11:48 PM

Frequently Asked Questions

In order to reach the Red Fort using the metro, take a violet line metro which is going towards the Lal Qila Metro station. Exit from the metro station and walk for about 5 minutes to cover the 260 meters to reach the Red Fort.

Yes, the Lal Quila Metro is open today and all the entry/exit gates are open for Public uses. Sometimes, due to unfavorable situations you may find some gates closed at Lal Qila metro station.

Yes, you can carry your Phone and Camera in the premises of Red Fort.

On Monday the Red Fort remains closed.

Yes, You can carry your bags and stuff in Red Fort. Although, all the security facilities are available there.

The Red fort Entry fee for Indians is rupees 35, for foreigners INR 500 and for Children below the age of 15 years aren’t charged any penny. Note that those who are carrying Video cameras with them will have to pay an extra amount of INR 25.

Yes, Lal Quila is open to the public. Visiting hours: 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Yes, parking is available at Red Fort.


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