Nearest Metro Station to Jain Chawal Wale, CP

Jain Chawal Wale Nearest metro station

Jain Chawal Wale in CP (Connaught Place) is one of Delhi’s most prominent street-side fast food restaurants. On weekends, it is one of the busiest places to eat, hundreds of people can be seen outside the shop. Jain Chawal Wale closes the shop at nearly 1 AM, this time may be extended on weekends. If you want to visit this place by metro, the nearest metro station to Jain Chawal Wale CP would be Rajiv Chowk Metro Station.

Note: The Metro closes before midnight so, plan accordingly if you want to use the Delhi Metro. For Jain Chawal Wale, exit from gate number 7 at Rajiv Chowk.

Jain Chawal Wale, CP Nearest Metro Station

Rajiv Chowk is the nearest metro station to Jain Chawal Wale CP on the Yellow and Blue Line. Note that, Rajiv Chowk is an interchange metro station.

Metro Station Name


Rajiv Chowk Metro Station

Yellow Line / Blue Line

Distance From Rajiv Chowk Metro Station to Jain Chawal Wale

It takes about 10 minutes to walk to Jain Chawal Wale from its nearest metro station –  Rajiv Chowk. The distance between the metro station and the shop is about 700 meters.

How To Reach Jain Chawal Wale CP by Metro

To reach Jain Chawal Wale in CP by metro you’ve to take the metro from your nearest metro station. Your route to Rajiv Chowk will be decided based on the metro line you take.

To know what is the metro route, click on this link. It will take you to the official Delhi Metro website where you can plan your journey.

Jain Chawal Wale Nearest Metro Station Metro Timing

First Metro From Rajiv Chowk

05:30 AM

Last Metro From Rajiv Chowk

11:15 PM

Disclaimer: doesn’t claim the above-mentioned metro timing to be 100% accurate.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Gate number 7 is the nearest exit gate for Jain Chawla Wale.

The distance between Rajiv Chowk Metro station and Jain Chawal Wale is about 700 meters. It will take you about 10 minutes to get there.

Ashutosh Rana

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