Purana Qila Nearest Metro Station

Purana Qila Nearest Metro Station

The nearest metro station to Purana Qila is the Pragati Maidan (Supreme Court) metro station on the Blue Line. The distance between the Supreme Court metro station and Purana Qila is about 2.1 km. To cover this distance, you should take an e-rikshaw or auto from the metro station.

Other than this, there are a few more information, you should know about the nearest metro station to Purana Qila which is explained further in the following sections.

Overview of Purana Qila Nearest Metro Station

Supreme Court metro station is a Blue Line Metro of DMRC, there are 4 exit gates and from this metro station, the Purana Qila is 2.1 km. The layout of the Supreme Court metro station is elevated. Find more details in the below table:

Metro Station Name

Supreme Court (Pragati Maidan)


2.1 km


Blue Line







Distance Between Supreme Court (Pragati Maidan) Metro Station and Purana Qila

Pragati Maidan to Purana Qila distance

Note: The distance may vary based on your transportation mode.

The distance between the Supreme Court (Pragati Maidan) metro station and Purana Qila is 2.1 km. One needs to take an auto or e-rikshaw to cover this distance; however, if you are someone who enjoys walking, then exit from gate number 2 and walk towards the Purana Qila. It will take you about 30 minutes to reach the Qila.

How to reach Purana Qila by Metro

From anywhere in Delhi or Delhi-NCR, you can take the Metro to reach Purana Qila by Metro. However, your route to the nearest metro station to Purana Qila will vary based on your location. We recommend, using the official Delhi Metro website to find the metro route to the Supreme Court from your location. However, we have also tried to provide you with some metro routes to Purana Qila.

Delhi Metro official

Kashmere Gate to Purana Qila Metro Route

Kashmere Gate to Purana Qila Metro Map
Kashmere Gate to Purana Qila Metro Route


  • Enter the Kashmere Gate Metro Station and reach to Platform Number 5 towards RAJA NAHAR SINGH (Ballabhgarh).
  • Take the metro and reach the Mandi House. Do an interchange between Violet Line to Blue Line.
  • On Blue Line, go to platform number 1 and take the metro going towards Noida Electronic City.
  • The next station to Mandi House is the Supreme Court. At the Supreme Court metro station exit from Gate Number 1 for Purana Qila.

Purana Qila Nearest Metro Timings

The nearest metro station to Purana Qila starts early at 5:42 AM towards Dwarka Sector 21. Then 5:46 AM towards Noida Electronic City and the same time for Vaishali. From the Supreme Court metro station, the last train runs at 11:40 PM towards Dwarka Sector – 21. Find complete metro timings in this table:


First Train

Last Train

Noida Electronic City

5:46 AM

11:31 PM

Dwarka Sector 21

5:42 AM

11:40 PM


5:46 AM

11:31 PM

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Frequently Asked Questions

The nearest metro station to Purana Qila is the Supreme Court (Pragati Maidan) metro station. This metro station is part of the Blue Line of Delhi Metro.

2.1 km is the estimated distance between the Supreme Court metro station and Purana Qila. However, the distance and time to cover them may vary based on your transportation mode.

Yes, you can walk to Purana Qila from the Supreme Court metro station which will take you about 30 minutes.

Exit from Gate Number 1 at the Supreme Court metro station for Purana Qila.

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